

Prof Heike Ebendorff-Heidepriem
Deputy Director of the Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) Deputy Director of the Optofab Node of the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF)

Heike is a senior researcher at the Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) at the University of Adelaide. She is enthusiastic about development of novel optical glasses, specialty optical fibres, surface functionalization and sensing approaches.

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Assoc Prof Kate Fox
Associate Dean – HDR (School of Engineering)

Kate is an experienced biomedical engineer working at the interface between engineering and medicine for over 10 years. Kate works used 3D printing to develop novel materials for biomedical manufacturing. Kate is a Superstar of STEM, Vic Tall Poppy and 2019’s Engineers Australia’s Most Innovative Engineer.

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Dr Vincenzo Guarino
Senior Researcher, Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB) National Research Council of Italy

Vincenzo's main research interests include biomaterials and scaffold design by electrofluidodynamic technologies for health and biomedical applications (i.e., tissue engineering, targeting and delivery for therapeutic treatment, biosensing and actuation.

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Dr Jan Jeske
Group Leader, Fraunhofer IAF

Jan is a group leader at the Fraunhofer IAF in Freiburg, Germany and project leader of “DiLaMag” – Diamond Laser Magnetometry. Previously Jan was a postdoc in Andy Greentree’s group, where they developed the concept of laser threshold magnetometry, i.e. using NV centres in diamond as a laser medium. His reasearch focuses on the realisation of this concept.

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Takeshi Ohshima
Director (Department of Advanced Functional Materials Research)

Takeshi is the leader of the Semiconductor Radiation Effects Research group at the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST), Japan. His studies include radiation effects on semiconductor materials and devices from the point of view of both functionalization and malfunction. Takeshi also focuses on the creation of spin defects and/or bright colour centres in wide bandgap semiconductors such as diamond and silicon carbide for quantum technologies, using electron and ion irradiation.

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Dr Morgan Schmidt
Research Chemist, Air Force Research Laboratory, 711th Human Performance Wing, San Antonio, Texas

Morgan investigates bioeffects related to directed energy. Her research team focuses on ultrafast spectroscopy capabilities, including multidimensional IR spectroscopy and fs transient absorption spectroscopy.

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Dr David Simpson
Lecturer Quantum Physical Bioscience

David's research focuses on the development of novel diamond-based quantum sensors for precision measurement of magnetic fields. He currently leads the development of diamond-based magnetic microscopy techniques to explore the magnetic properties of biological systems at the single cell level. In 2013, Dr Simpson was part of the team awarded, The University of NSW Eureka Prize for Interdisciplinary Research, for work on quantum probes in biology. His broader research interests include quantum measurement, nanoscale magnetic resonance spectroscopy and the material properties of diamond.

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